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World Spine Day 2023

World Spine Day 2023

World Spine Day 2023With World Spine Day just around the corner on 16th October 2023, we are getting excited as it is one of our favourite events on the Calendar! World Spine Day is a one-day-campaign organised by the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA), aimed...

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Chiropractic Reduces Fall Risk

Chiropractic Reduces Fall Risk

Chiropractic Care Reduces Fall RiskDid you know that many researchers think that chiropractic care can help you maintain balance and prevent you from falling over?1 As we age our risk of having a fall increases.1 Every year about one third of older people have a...

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Break the Pain Cycle

Break the Pain Cycle

Break the Pain Cycle Did you know that pain is created in your brain to let you know that something is not OK in your body?1 When this happens, it’s actually a good thing, because it tells you to stop doing some things that are potentially dangerous or harmful....

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5 Health Benefits of Walking 20 Minutes a Day

5 Health Benefits of Walking 20 Minutes a Day

5 health benefits of walking 20 minutes a day. Walking is often considered one of the most underrated forms of exercise, but it can be an effective health-enhancing activity. It’s simple, free, and one of the easiest ways to become more active, lose weight, and become...

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Is blue light keeping you Wired?

Is blue light keeping you Wired?

Is blue light keeping you wired?The modern world is replete with technological advancements that keep us connected more than ever before. However, there’s a downside to this digital age: the pervasive blue light emitted by our devices. But how is it affecting your...

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